Katharina Beta


the Will of God decides

Abstract / Rezension

When we ask: ‘Is there a God, or not’, we have to come to the final conclusion, that He is forever and in everything, there cannot be ‘just a bit’ of Him. Nothing in life or in death can be ‘just a little bit’. What emanates from the entirety, is whole and required to be whole, in order to return in full to the entirety. This book is about the free will, a will every mortal has, as has Valerian, whom you will get to know in this book. He seeks the dialogue with God and starts with the request: “Save me from the compulsion of having a free will.” So the Lord asks him: “You renounce my gift?” So Valerian will answer, that it was never his free decision to have a free will, he just received it and considers this a heavy burden. What is the significance of the serpent, when we talk about the free will? The serpent is as well the image of sin as also the image of wisdom.

It is easy to recall the temptress of the first pair of humans, as written in the book Genesis. But this if not sufficient, because here we have to contemplate the exclusive will of the Lord. He told the snake: “On your belly you shall go, and you shall eat dust, all days of your life.” (1.Genesus 3:14) And this has not changed during the evolution, contrary to many other creatures. During endless evolution the snake never got feet. Nor fins, or wings.

Several years ago, during my stay in Arizona, I saw a beautiful prairie-rattlesnake, and since then I could not forget this symbol of God’s will. So many questions sought an answer and finally I realized, that at last the demand that we acknowledge all that is in this world unconditionally, can only be reasonable, when everything in this world happens according to the will of God.
Life in full is given by the Lord and happens always ‘in deo concurrente’.

Katharina Beta

Folgende Rezension geschrieben von Markus Rapp

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