Hans-Christian Günther (ed.)

Music for our Times -

A miscellany in honour of Christophe Sirodeau

Band 18 der Reihe Poetry, Music and Art



Étienne Barilier
" Un autre chemin " : Pour Christophe Sirodeau

Nicolo-Alexander Figowy
Samuil Feinberg (1890 - 1962) - Pianist, Komponist, Pädagoge

Ingrid Fritsch
Spiritualisation, Aestheticisation and Globalisation of the Japanese Bambooflute Shakuhachi

Carlo Grante
Busoni vs Schönberg:
Prospero sees his image in a glass and finds the two-headed Janus, Brahms

Wilfried Gruhn
Music in our minds or
How can we understand the music of a foreign culture?
Cultural exchange in times of globalization

Hans-Christian Günther
What is Art?
The new urgency of the question in the age of globalization

Günter Schnitzler
,,Die junge Magd" von Georg Trakl und Paul Hindemith

Boris Yoffe
Neun Thesen zur musikalischen Semantik

Boris Yoffe
Ikone und Symphonie

Anna Zassimova
The Path to the Modern Age.
Georgy Lvovich Catoire:
Adding Strokes to the Portrait

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