Giordano Bruno - Ein Komet fliegt durch Galaxien der Bedeutung
Das Scholastische System im Mittelalter
Die Krise des Weltbilds in der Renaissance
Giordano Brunos philosophisches Gesamtsystem
Synopsis: Giordano Bruno - A Comet Flying through Galaxies of Sense
La religione e la politica nel pensiero di Giordano Bruno
Dissimulazioni, interpretazioni e proiezioni.
Lo Spaccio, testo chiave per la critica delle religioni
Apparenti contradizioni
La triade della somma verità
La religione-legge
La fede-contratto
La geografia dei valori
Ogni cosa al proprio posto
L'intenzione della critica
Il Cristianesimo, un male necessario
Un Bruno teologo?
Synopsis: Religion and Politics in Giordano Bruno's Philosophy
Giordano Bruno's Criticism of Globalization
The Argonauts' Voyage - Blessing or Bane?
Back to the Golden Age?
The Effects of Change in Space and in Time
Justified versus Unjustified Expansion
Conflicting Forces: The Tension between Universal
Providence, Chance, and Human Agency in Giordano Bruno's Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast
Bruno's Take on Terminology
Human Will and Agency
Rival Modes of Causation
Qua Giordano parla per volgare: Giordano Bruno's Choice
of Vernacular Language, Vulgar Speech and Literary
Devices in his Italian Dialogues as Clues to a Heterodox Cultural Background
Pietro Aretino with Colleagues, Friends and Foes
A Comeback for Roland
Heterodoxy, Italian Style
Back to Bruno's Bestiary
Der Olympische Hofstaat im Kopf
Synopsis: The Olympian Court in the Head
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