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„And Jesus Replied...” –
But what issues did Jesus address in his replies?!

The Reception of the Conflict Narratives
in the Gospel of Matthew

Jerusalemer Texte Band 15

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Why Do We Need Another Study on the Conflict Narratives?
1.2 Matthean Community in Research
1.3 Conflict Narratives in the Gospel of Matthew:
A Brief Overview
1.3.1 Distribution of the Conflict Narratives in the Gospel of Matthew
1.3.2 Critics
1.3.3 Hypothesis of the Separation of the Matthean Community from Judaism ....
1.3.4 Question Leading to this Study

Chapter 2 Methodology
2.1 Major Research Outcomes of the Conflict Stories in the Gospel of Matthew
2.1.1 History of Research
2.1.2 Utility of Form and Redaction Criticism
2.1.3 Overview of the Major Research Outcomes Reached in the Study of the Unity of Luke-Acts
2.1.4 Working Hypothesis, Presuppositions and Limitations of this Study

Chapter 3 Conflicts about Jesus' authority (in Galilee)
3.1 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 9:1-8
3.1.1 Mt 9:1-8
3.1.2 Mk 2:1-12
3.1.3 Lk 5:17-26
3.1.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 9:1-8
3.2 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 12:22-45
3.2.1 Mt 12:22-45
3.2.2 Mk 3:22-30 and 8:11-12
3.2.3 Lk 11:14-26, 29-32, 12:10 and 6:43-5
3.2.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 12:22-45
3.3. Matthew's Redaction in the Conflicts on Jesus' Authority in Galilee
3.3.1 Matthean Community's Ministry of Exorcism
3.3.2 Matthew's Reflection on the Limitations of Miracles
3.3.3 Christological Debate with the Jewish Counterparts
3.3.4 Matthean Community is Given Authority

Chapter 4 Conflicts on Table Fellowship
4.1 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 9:9-13
4.1.1 Mt 9:9-13
4.1.2 Mk 2:13-17
4.1.3 Lk 5:27-32
4.1.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 9:9-13
4.2 Matthew's Redaction in the Conflicts on Table Fellowship
4.2.1 Ready to Repent Tax Collector as a Bridge to the Gentile Ministry
4.2.2 Matthean Community and House Fellowship
4.2.3 Priority of Compassion over the Contemporary Norms of Practice
4.2.4 Gentile Ministry

Chapter 5 Conflicts on the Tradition of the Elders and the Torah ....
5.1 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 15:1-20
5.1.1 Mt 15:1-20
5.1.2 Mk 7:1-23
5.1.3 Lk 11:37-41
5.1.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 15:1-20
5.2 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 19:1-12
5.2.1Mt 19:1-12
5.2.2 Mk 10:1-12
5.2.3 Lk 16:18
5.2.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 19:1-12
5.3 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 22:34-40
5.3.1 Mt 22:34-40
5.3.2 Mk 12:28-34
5.3.3 Lk 10:25-28
5.3.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 22:34-40
5.4 Matthew's Redaction in the Conflicts on the Tradition of the Elders
5.4.1 Matthew's Jesus' Assessment of the Torah
5.4.2 Bridge between Jewish and Gentile Ministries
5.4.3 Alienation caused by the Pharisees' halakha
5.4.4 Pacifist Attitude of the Matthean Community towards their Critics

Chapter 6 Conflicts about the Shabbat
6.1 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 12:1-8
6.1.1 Mt 12:1-8
6.1.2 Mk 2:23-28
6.1.3 Lk 6:1-5
6.1.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 12:1-8
6.2 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 12:9-14
6.2.1 Mt 12:9-14
6.2.2 Mk 3:1-6
6.2.3 Lk 6:6-11, 13:10-17 and 14:1-6
6.2.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 12:9-14
6.3 Matthew's Redaction in the Conflicts on the Shabbat
6.3.1 Matthew's Motive of Mercy
Underpins the Theological Intention of the Shabbat Rest
6.3.2 Matthew's Disciples Take up the Function of the Priest

Chapter 7 Conflicts in/about the Temple in Jerusalem
7.1 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 21:10-17
7.1.1 Mt 21:10-17
7.1.2 Mk 11:11, 15-18
7.1.3 Lk 19:45-48
7.1.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 21:10-17
7.2 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 21:23-27
7.2.1 Mt 21:23-27
7.2.2 Mk 11:27-33
7.2.3 Lk 20:1-8
7.2.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 21:23-27
7.3 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 21:42-46
7.3.1 Mt 21:42-46
7.3.2 Mk 12:10-12
7.3.3 Lk 20:17-19
7.3.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 21:42-46
7.4 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 22:41-46
7.4.1 Mt 22:41-46
7.4.2 Mk 12:35-37a
7.4.3 Lk 20:41-44
7.4.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 22:41-46
7.5 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 24:1-2
7.5.1 Mt 24:1-2
7.5.2 Mk 13:1-2
7.5.3 Lk 21:5-6
7.5.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 24:1-2
7.6. Matthew's Redaction in the Conflicts in/about the Temple in Jerusalem
7.6.1 Children Surpass the Temple Leaders
7.6.2 Transformation of Boulders into a Foundation in the Hands of God

Chapter 8 Conflicts on Paying Tax to Caesar and Resurrection
8.1 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 22:15-22
8.1.1 Mt 22:15-22
8.1.2 Mk 12:13-17
8.1.3 Lk 20:20-26
8.1.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 22:15-22
8.2 Synoptic Comparison of Mt 22:23-33
8.2.1 Mt 22:23-33
8.2.2 Mk 12:18-27
8.2.3 Lk 20:27-39
8.2.4 Matthew's Redaction in Mt 22:23-33
8.3. Matthew's Redaction in the Paying of Tax to Caesar and Resurrection
8.3.1 Paying Tax to Caesar
8.3.2 Resurrection

Chapter 9 Summary of Findings
9.1 Who Rocked the Matthean Community?
9.2 What Rocked the Matthean Community?
9.2.1 Justification for the Mission to the Gentiles
9.2.2 Authority to Forgive Sin
9.3 Where did the Matthean Community Stand?
9.3.1 They were not Strong, but Teachable
9.3.2 They were not Born to be Priests, but They were Called to Take Up their Function
9.3.3 They were Less Exact than the Pharisees in Observing the Torah, but They were More Eager for Greater Righteousness
9.3.4. Can the Path to Faith be Cleared of all Doubts and Opposition?
9.4 Postscript
9.4.1 Problem of Luke's Great Omissions
9.4.2 Conflicts which Still Rocked the post-Easter Christian Communities
9.4.3. Short Evaluation of the Method


Index of Ancient Sources

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