Robin Keen

The Life and Work of
Friedrich Wöhler (1800 - 1882)

Edited by Johannes Büttner. Edition Lewicki-Büttner, vol. 2.


W.H. Brock, J. Büttner, R. Keen: Prefaces

1. Sources

2. Early life and education

3. Sweden

4. Berlin (1825-1831)

5. Aluminium before 1828

6. Aluminium from 1844

7. Beryllium, Yttrium, Vanadium

8. Isomerism and related topics I

9. Isomerism and related topics II

10. Kassel (1831-1836)

11. Organic Chemistry – Introduction

12. Benzoyl

13. Cyanic acid and the cyanates

14. Uric acid

15. Honeystone

16. Controversy between Liebig and Mitscherlich

17. Controversy between Liebig and Berzelius

18. Organic Chemistry at Göttingen

19. Inorganic Chemistry at Göttingen I

20. Inorganic Chemistry at Göttingen II

21. Inorganic Chemistry at Göttingen III

22. Mineral Chemistry

23. Life at Göttingen


Books published by Friedrich Wöhler

Scientific papers by Friedrich Wöhler

Wöhler’s Translations

Wöhler’ entries in Handwörterbuch der Chemie

Wöhlers’s students in Göttingen

Reading Berzelius’ Formulas

General bibliography

Index of personal names and subjects

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