Esther Schmid Heer

America die verkehrte Welt

Prozesse der Verräumlichung in den Paraguay-Berichten
des Tiroler Jesuiten Anton Sepp (1655-1733)


The Tirol-born German Jesuit Anton Sepp is remembered by his reports about every day life in the Jesuit missions in Paraguay where he worked from 1689 on. These reports are to be found in his travel book published as {Reisebeschreibung} in 1696 and his "Continuation" (published in German 1709 and in Latin 1710 with the same title). These are the earliest texts about the Jesuit missions published in Europe. Based on Foucault's theoretical framework, this study tries to establish the creation of spatial concepts where space is not only seen as a real place but as a cultural construction.

Franz Obermeier

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